Unique A.I driven Un-met Need Market Research & Customer Insight for Small / Medium sized businesses

Quality market research & customer insights services are valuable but often financially prohibitive for SMB owners.

As such the benefits that quality market research could have on the strategy and growth of an SMB business is often rarely experienced.

Not anymore!

Over the past 5 years VOX has been incubated, iterated and evolved based on the needs of actual businesses, in order to understand how and what a business needs to leverage the commercial value of VOX, producing a product that gives the ability to inform innovation, enhance customer connections, and drive strategic growth.

We have proven over this period that for businesses willing to invest in collecting and leveraging this data, the returns can be transformational across revenue, reputation, and market positioning.

Our software understands the un-met expressed needs of any stakeholder group, on any topic, anywhere in the world, Live. The commercial value of accessing unbiased, unmet expressed needs from any group of stakeholders on any topic globally is profound, offering businesses a strategic edge across various industries, of which value includes, but is not limited to:

1. Product and Service Development
2. Market Differentiation
3. Targeted Marketing and Communication
4. Strategic Decision-Making
5. Enhancing Customer Relationships
6. Predicting Trends and Staying Ahead
7. Aligning with Payers and Regulators

What people are saying

“This Unmet Needs Analysis really helped open my eyes to the possibilities out there, helping me identify market needs I was unaware of where I could make a more meaningful impact. It also confirmed with data something I had instinctively sensed about the market. And all for a very affordable price for small businesses. Would highly recommend”

Jamie — The Story Habit Ltd

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“Its incredibly difficult to make a financial and time commitment to a gut feeling when running a small business, the un-met need analysis validated my long held belief and as such has lead to totally new services and totally new client opportunities.”

Mike — BMH Ltd

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“We were unsure why our content and service was struggling to gain momentum when we have so much quality information to share. The UNA report allowed us to bridge the gap between what we thought people wanted versus what they were actually looking for.”

David — Meaningful Paths Ltd

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Fast Affordable A.I driven un-met need analysis reports

Understand the world of your customer from their perspective, meet them where their minds are right now and link this to the content you wish to engage them in.

People have different needs on any given topic. Understanding the full need profile of your customers allows better and broader engagement to optimise opportunity.


More about

We have a deep appreciation for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) – their diversity, the relentless passion of their leaders, and the drive to turn vision into success.

Having experienced the corporate world ourselves, we saw firsthand how big budgets often dictate what’s possible, keeping larger businesses ahead of the curve. It's no wonder so many software companies cater primarily to that space.

But here’s the question: why should cutting-edge software and services be reserved for big businesses alone? Our mission is to level the playing field by making what once seemed out of reach accessible and affordable, empowering SMBs to leverage the same powerful solutions that fuel the success of larger enterprises.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Want to hear or see more? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!